Thank you for stepping forward and joining us inside the waitlist for our next Menopause Support Coach Certification. 🚀

We’re so grateful to be building a powerful and compassionate community of menopause support coaches and love that we get to offer you this right away…

Our next intake begins in May 2024 and all waitlist members are being offered an exclusive offer to secure one of the limited spaces at pre-sale prices with BONUSES

We’ve just introduced a brand new deposit plan for the Certification and you’re invited to secure your seat with just a £500 deposit today!

It’s so important now more than ever to get certified in this space because with the ageing worldwide population, it’s estimated 1.2 billion women will be menopausal or postmenopausal by 2025! That’s a lot of women needing your support.

An exclusive early invitation and lifetime access.

Click Here and secure one of the limited seats at the waitlist member  price of just £3297* for ONLY £497 deposit today.

Fast action takers go get that space secured and save yourself over £2,000 with the pre – sale price and bonuses (they’re not here for long).

I can’t wait to welcome you inside this leading menopause education space and open your endless possibilities.

See you inside the MSCC supercoach!

Adele – The Menopause Coach

“Making Menopause Mainstream”