Downtime for YOU is important!

Downtime for YOU is important!

 by Adele Johnston   This week I’m feeling super inspired to GIVE! You might have seen my last Instagram post where I wrote about taking downtime and self cares slots regularly in your week. If you’ve not seen that one yet here’s a summary of the key points: Plan your...

800 Calorie Days

800 Calorie Days

Low calorie days... by Adele Johnston T  That’s low but… I’m sure by now your mailbox has gone ping wild with all the “OMFG 800 calories are they mad” email responses to the Channel 4 ‘Lose a Stone in 21 Days with Michael Mosley’. Maybe not and I’m the first. So...

3 Steps To Weight Loss

3 Steps To Weight Loss

3 Steps To Weight Loss... by Adele Johnston   Tired of the quick fix weight loss solutions that just always seem to pull you in?  I was chatting a couple of women last week about just that and here’s a summary of what I shared with them. All diet strategies work as...

Numbers, never my strong point

Numbers, never my strong point

Numbers, never my strong point... by Adele Johnston   ...In fact I was that kid at high school who dreaded their class timetable saying ‘Mathematics’. Even worse when it was a double period (I still feel the anxiety lol). I remember thinking to myself “this just isn’t...

Getting Back On It

Getting Back On It

That Sunday evening body dread... by Adele Johnston  Well, how was your weekend?  Did you take full advantage of the pubs, bars and some restaurants opening up again? Or was it amazing family time with a take away, wine (for the adults) and a movie? Yum - right! Then...

Carbohydrates – Brain Fuel

Carbohydrates – Brain Fuel

Carbohydrates – Your Brain Fuel by Adele Johnston   “Hi Adele can I really eat pizza and lose weight” Yes, yes you can. It seems we go on the spinning wheel of the next ‘best diet’ and claims of ‘getting you super lean’. But why is it the new fad always means...

Binge Eating – it has many forms…

Binge Eating – it has many forms…

Binge Eating – it has many forms… by Adele Johnston   When we speak we tend to use language familiar and known to us. The same applies when we describe situations or moments in our lives. Let’s take the weekend as an example, it’s been a long hard ass week, you’re...

Weight Loss Truth Bomb

Weight Loss Truth Bomb

The truth sometimes hurts... by Adele Johnston   I wrote a post on this today on my Instagram and felt it needed a bit more than the limited overview I could squeeze into my allocated character allowance.  It went something like this. Want and Need are two different...

How To Increase Your Body Confidence

How To Increase Your Body Confidence

3 STEPS TO BODY CONFIDENCE by Adele Johnston   I read this week that 1 in 5 UK adults have felt shame because of their body image in the last year. It got me thinking about how I was once part of those 1 in 5. The shoogling of my belly as I stood naked in front of the...

Controlling What You Can…

Controlling What You Can…

  When Things Feel Out Of Control  Well I suppose that’s a bit of an understatement right now isn’t it?  How have you been handling things?  With ease? Find yourself crumbing inside at the thought of uncertainty and unfamiliar life changes?  Either answer you...